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Resume template for beginners

You are a student or a young graduate with little experience, and you need to build a resume to find an internship or a first job.

See all our Resume Templates

Experience: Cast your net wide!

Take five minutes to think about what you have done in your life and how it could be highlighted in a resume. In the Resume template for students with no experience, you will find a list of elements which are not considered as professional experience at first sight but can be valued in the 'Experiences' section of your resume.

Now, here are our recommendations for a resume with "little" experience.

Resume template structure

This is the resume template we recommend for students with little professional experience (Please note:  Other resume templates may also match your profile)

The interesting point about this resume is that it highlights your experiences (showing your professionalism : This way, you are not seen as a student if you present your career path this way, as a professional), it also displays your training course in a clearly visible manner at the top right.

This resume template underlines that you already have a professional approach about your experience and values your course  — which is highly recommended if your have been to a well-known school.

We have built this resume template according to the following principles

Resume template with candidate information (photo, desired job title and keywords) at the top of the page. Then, content is divided into two columns: experiences in the left column and training and skills in the right column.

How to complete this template

In this template, the top of the resume showcases all important details : Personal data and contact information, desired job title (avoid "Looking for in internship in February 2019"), and keywords (perfect to point out 3 or 4 important details to remember about your profile).

About the photo : Naturally, you don't have to add a photo to this resume template. However, a nice photo can give a great first impression, it just has to be professional and look like you (in short : Don't put a picture from your brother's wedding in your Sunday's best suit, instead head off to the photographer in a "professional" outfit)

The main part of this resume template is about your professional experiences. Why talk about experiences when you are just a student ? You have probably already heard this advice before : If you are a student, focus on your training. The problem with this approach is that the recruiter checking your resume will only see a big warning "Be careful, this is someone who has learnt many things at school but has failed to employ them in a professional context !". By adding your training first, you show what kind of person you consider yourself to be: A student before anything else ! But a recruiter is looking for professional, not a student.

However, this resume template will display your course in a clearly visible manner, at the top right, but giving it less importance. This way, you will still be able to highlight your training. If you have been to a well-known school, good for you, you'll gain the recruiter's trust. If there is nothing special about it, try and showcase any interesting parts of your course, related to the business issues.

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Graphic variations

With DoYouBuzz, change the graphic variation of your resume template in just one click.
Here are some of the possible variations :

How to use this resume template ?

To use this resume template, simply create your DoYouBuzz account and choose this template !

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