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Arnaud Robinet

Développeur Web

Arnaud Robinet
52 ans
Permis de conduire
Situation professionnelle
En poste
En recherche active
Je suis un développeur web avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience en industrie à Londres, puis Paris, désormais travailleur freelance.

Mon expertise en matière de développement s'est construite en codant des applications en Basic, Visual Basic, C++, puis Classic ASP et .net.

De retour en France après un long exil en Angleterre, je suis désormais basé sur Paris où j'exerce mon activité en freelance.

Désormais, je choisis de développer sur des plateformes open-source comme PHP/Mysql.
CV réalisé sur DoYouBuzz

Développeur full-stack freelance

Depuis 2008


Société Astril
2004 à 2008
  • Développement sites Internet environnement 3-tier (ASP/VB/SQL Server).
  • Développement en interne (Services VB, SQL Server ou Access).
  • Lien avec les clients (principaux clients SFR, Télé2, RSF).

Applications developer

Amplefuture Ltd
2001 à 2003
  • Employed as an applications developer, I worked on a series of mobile services related projects for major UK clients
  • TextMail: internet tool that allows users send and receive SMS messages, logos and ringtones from their desktop, the application also includes a phonebook facility.
    The application was entirely designed, developed and maintained by me for clients such as Freeserve, MSN, ICircle and Iconaphone. At the time of writing there are more than 50000 users registered to the service).
  • E-Business/Online Payment applications: integration of payment modules (BTClick and buy, MPay-Vodafone) across multiple websites.
  • NT Services: modules used to activate mobile phone content download. (Services written in VB6, data transfer XML or ISO8583 standard via kilostream or ISDN).
  • Alert Services: built a series of NT services (VB6) to respond to live data feed (Football results, horoscopes, tarot readings etc) and forward information to registered users via SMS.
  • Internal applications: various alert applications (written in VB6), administration and reporting websites (ASP).
  • Products maintenance and support.

Mobile Systems Developer

Ananas Ltd/Celltribe UK
2000 à 2001
  • Built a suite of back-end applications for the wireless industry (Server Alert, SMS Network, SMS Broadcast, SMS interactive and conference alert)
  • Improved company website
  • Software design and implementation of wireless business solutions & applications for the mobile Internet sector (SMS, WAP, Wireless email/ Wireless office). VB6 and Access
  • Internet protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP to send text messages from server to mobile phone)

Visual Basic Developer

Gulliver’s Travel Agency
1999 à 2000
  • Providing customers with user-friendly VB6 interfaces to an extensive AS400-based travel booking system.
  • Extensive use of ADO and ActiveX technologies
  • Interaction with customers to meet their requirements and writing of technical specifications
  • Part of a team responsible for the migration of a motor and life insurance underwriting system from DOS to Windows using Visual Basic 4/5 and Access.
  • Maintenance of existing DOS based system using QuickBasic.
  • Communication with quotation engines via API calls.
  • Customer support with UK based and international insurance companies.
  • Full-cycle development including writing technical specifications for the system

Professeur des Ecoles

EIB Monceau
2011 à 2018
  • Professeur des écoles niveaux CP et CE1
  • Diverses expériences de la maternelle au CM2

Professeur des Ecoles

Ecoles les Benjamins de Pantin
2008 à 2011
    • Professeur des écoles niveaux CE1 et CM1

Developer Certificate

Battersea College, London

C++ Development

Diplome Professeur des Ecoles

Eurécole, Paris


Licence de Mathématiques

Université d’Angers

1990 à 1994
  • Guitariste et bassiste
  • PHP + MySql
    Framework: Codeigniter (par préférence) mais aussi Symfony.
  • Framework de prédilection: Laravel mais aussi Codeigniter et Symfony
  • Vuejs, angularjs, nextjs, HTML4/5 +CSS + Javascript + Ajax + JQuery framework Bootstrap
  • Git
  • IIS, Apache, XAMP
  • Visual Basic 4/5/6 + Access/SQL Server
  • Classic ASP, .net
  • Compétent C++, Delphi, Pascal
  • Titutaire du Diplôme d'Etat