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Grégory Boulanger

Senior Product Manager / Head of

Grégory Boulanger
36 years old
Driving License
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
Having first focused on the technical side of web and mobile application development, I then moved on to the management and organisation of these projects. After many years to work on product side, I want to continue my path by leading challenging product to success.
Resume created on DoYouBuzz

Creator of Android applications

2014 to 2018
  • Creation of Android applications (games and services)
    After creating a game, I created the application "Mon Compagnon Santé". It's an application that aims to offer a tool to support people in monitoring their health (contacts, medication, health profile, weight, emergencies, etc....).
    This was followed by the free application : "Numéros d'urgence", an application extracted from "Mon Compagnon santé" to provide a free service for access to information to act in case of emergency.