Federal Press and Information Office of Germany (ed.): 50 arguments for Europe: Guidelines for discussions during the German EU Council Presidency (50 Argumente für Europa: Ein Debattenleitfaden zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, Berlin 2006, 118 pp.
Proven by involvement in the Crisis Response Centre (German Foreign Office) during the 2006 Lebanon Crisis and by coordinating a team of 20 national and international experts in post-conflict country South Sudan.
The European Union on its way towards a federal State? – The EU Foreign Policy. („Die Europäische Union auf dem Weg zu einem Bundesstaat? - Von der Außenpolitik der Europäischen Union”), Nomos Verlagsges.MBH + Co, June 2010, 353 pp.
The European Constitution – Commentary for the Citizens (“Verfassung für Europa ¬ Der Taschenkommentar für Bürgerinnen und Bürger”), W. Bertelsmann Verlag, 2nd edition, 2005. (More information on http://www.verfassung-europa.de)
Trained in human resources management, systemic coaching, monitoring, evaluation and process-orientated moderation (01/07-10/08/2010, German Academy for International Cooperation);
Trained in Capacity WORKS: Management of GIZ development cooperation programmes (06/06-08/06/2011, trained by GIZ).