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Ham Hélène

Ham Hélène


Blues harmonica
Chromatic harmonica
Diatonic harmonica
Modern harmonica
12 hole harmonica
68 ans
Permis de conduire
EAGLE (83616) États-Unis (Idaho)
En poste En simple veille
Harmo is where you get the best MODERN harmoniums!
Harmo is an American brand based in Eagle, Idaho that offers a wide range of harmonicas. It was established in 2016 by David Herzhaft, a professional harmonica player.Harmo offers harmonicas increasing our market reach and audience. Harmo is THE place where you can put your hands on the most perfectly designed harmonicas. The welcoming texture and properly rounded edges of our harmonicas makes it nearly impossible to resist the urge of laying the soft tune. As previously mentioned, we offer only the top brand harmonicas for the beginner, intermediate, advanced and professional harmonica player. Harmo products include:Our diatonic harmonicas are intricately designed to produce a rich and beautiful sound.They are played within the boundaries of a musical scale , most commonly the Western major or minor tonalities that have octaves of seven notes in a particular configuration and best for playing pop, blues and folk music.Its design is topped off with a silver smooth finish adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.The top-quality diatonic harmonicas include:The Polar diatonic harmonica: Ideal harmonica used in the Country, Folk and Blues music. Its simplicity makes it a great choice for the beginner.Torpedo Harmonica: The Torpedo is a hand finished manually optimized overblow ready harmonica. With a design that tempts all, this professionally built art piece has 12 holes which helps you in bending and reshaping your tune to the most possible extent.Harmo Mini-mo harmonica: The Mini-Mo is a fun 4 hole keychain diatonic harmonica.We also sell a set of accessories useful for the storage, maintenance and use of your harmonicas, such as the Harmo Pro Case, aattractive lightweight case that can hold up to 14 harmonicas
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Description de l'entreprise
Ever wanted to play music on a metallic piece of art, on a good chromatic harmonica made in USA ? It's your lucky day.
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