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Yoann Le Garff

Yoann Le Garff

DevOps Engineer

35 years old
Driving License
Brest (29200) France
Employed Open to opportunities
  • I'm currently working at Naval Group as a DevOps engineer within a team managing a portfolio of software infrastructure projects in a Digital Factory (exposing a GitLab Ultimate stack). I develop, evangelize, and define best practices for those incubating projects. I also manage associated services (CI/CD libraries, Kubernetes clusters, Outscale (IaaS) tenants via Terraform) and serve as the main reviewer for others' contributions.
  • The projects in question range from developing workload execution tools, APIs, command-line tooling (written in Go, Python, nix shells, Powershell and Vue (for the frontend)), migration tools, internal specifications (disk images), Ansible collections and roles, Molecule drivers, Terraform recipes, Kubernetes recipes, Helm Charts, Docker Images, Nagios plugins, Splunk modular inputs and many more.
  • All these projects are delivered through Continuous Delivery. Testing in this context is the cornerstone of our practices. Applications and workload are exposed and run via Outscale and Kubernetes.
  • And finally, providing support and evangelization within the company on DevOps philosophy and associated tooling.
  • In collaboration with a team on Enedis's Linky, I contributed to designing and implementing a Big Data ecosystem (utilizing technologies such as Hadoop, Kafka, Spark, Ambari, etc.) through the utilization of tools like OpenStack, OpenShift/Kubernetes, Ansible, GitLab, Jenkins, Docker, and various others.
  • Coding microservices + tests and associated GitLab CI/CD stuff. They were mostly written in Golang with some in Java (Spring Boot framework).
  • Writing OpenShift recipes and managing clusters.
  • Also deploying on OpenStack tenants.
  • Short consulting missions.

Software Developer

"on my free time"
Since 2014
  • Extra-professional IT projects mainly done on GitHub.
  • Open source design and development.
  • Streamlining deployment and configuration processes using Puppet:

    • Architectural design
    • Architecture testing through Docker (+ compose)
    • Documentation creation
    • Administrator training sessions
    • Toolchain definition and configuration (git, CI/CD, r10k)
    • Development of fifteen modules
    • Deployment across over 300 servers
  • Introducing Continuous Integration (CI) using GitLab + GitLab CI + gitlab-multi-runner (utilizing the Docker executor) for specific applications
  • Managing logs through ELK:

    • Architectural design
    • Documentation creation
    • Administrator training sessions
  • Migration project from Zabbix 2.0 to 3.0:

    • Architectural redesign
    • Architecture testing through Docker (+ compose)
    • Migration process
    • Documentation
  • Web services development (Perl, Ruby)
  • Refactoring of a flight data collection application (C#)
  • Ensuring maintenance of these tools and systems:
    • Nagios/Centreon
    • Sysload
    • Cacti
    • Nagvis
    • Puppet (more than 2000 servers with a large variety of OS)
    • GitLab
    • Mirrors
    • Axway and WAARP
  • Development:
    • Puppet modules
    • Nagios plugins
    • ControlM module (witten in Perl) for Canopsis
    • Centreon module (written in PHP5) for interfacing Centreon/Foreman-Facter.

Ingénieur en informatique


February 2014 to February 2017

Licence aGSRI

IUT de Lannion

2011 to 2012
  • Golang
    • *
    • Backend
    • Unit testing
    • Toolchain (go, go mod, deps, gofmt, goreturns, ...)
  • Perl 5
    • PCRE
    • OOP (classical, Moose)
    • Web (Mojolicious (Sinatra-like))
    • Async (AnyEvent, Reactor, Promises)
    • // (fork + IPC, threads, Coro (coroutines))
    • DBI, ORM
    • adm: DarkPAN, CPAN
    • toolchain (cpanm, Test::*, PAUSE, ..)
  • Python
    • Basics
  • NodeJS
    • *
    • Unit testing
    • Toolchain (npm, yarn, ...)
  • Ruby
  • Web
    • Vue.js
    • Ajax, Websocket, REST (Swagger/Open API), GraphQL (notions)
    • Go (gorilla)
    • Perl (Mojolicious)
    • Ruby (Sinatra)
    • PHP 5.x
  • IDE
    • Vscode
    • Atom
  • Shell scripting
    • sh, bash, ...
    • Powershell
  • Git
    • Advanced use
    • Flows (GitHub Flow, ...)
  • Social coding/software factory
    • GitLab stack (GItLab, GitLab CI, Registry, Mattermost, ...)
    • Github + whatever
  • CI CD
    • GitLab CI
    • Jenkins
    • GitHub Actions/Travis
    • Nexus (gestion d'artifacts)
  • Benchmarking
    • Tsung
    • Gatling
    • tsenart/vegeta
    • ...
  • Software Factory
    • GitLab
    • GitHub


  • Linux
    • CentOS
    • Debian
    • Ubuntu
  • Windows
    • 2012, 2016, Core


  • Cloud Computing
    • OpenStack - (design, configuration and consumption)
    • Outscale
    • AWS
  • Virtualization
    • QEMU(/KVM)
    • Vagrant
    • Basics on VMware: VSphere, ESXi
  • Containers
    • k8s - configuration et consommation
      • Vanilla, RKE2
      • Helm
      • Operator pattern
    • Docker
      • Vanilla
      • docker-compose
      • docker-machine
      • docker-swarm
    • Docker Registry
  • Infrastructure As Code
    • Ansible
    • Terraform
    • Packer
    • Puppet
    • ...
  • Storage
    • RAID configuration
    • "On Linux" (FS, LVM)
    • NAS : NFS, CIFS
    • Distributed: Ceph (basics), GlusterFS (basics)
  • Web stacks
    • httpd, nginx, Traefik
    • "glue" (PSGI/Plack, Rack (Passenger))
    • IIS
    • Tomcat
  • Load balancing
    • HAProxy
  • Databases
    • MySQL/MariaDB
    • PostgreSQL
    • MongoDB
    • ArangoDB
    • RethinkDB
    • Redis
  • Search engines
    • Elasticsearch
  • Broker/message queuing
    • RabbitMQ
    • Redis
    • Postgresql pub/sub
    • AMQP
  • Identity
    • HTTP basicauth, cookies
    • RBAC notions
    • Third-pary authorization/authentifications frameworks: OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0
    • LDAP, AD
    • SSO (Keycloak)
  • Monitoring
    • Nagios
    • NRPE, NSCA, WMI, SNMP, NSClient++
    • Centreon
    • Zabbix
    • Prometheus (basics)
  • Log and performance analysis
    • Stack Elastic
    • Splunk
    • nxlog, syslog, rsyslog
    • collectd
    • SNMP/WMI
  • Chat
    • Slack
    • Mattermost
    • Discord
  • Agile (SCRUM), DevOps
  • L2, L3, L4+
    Ethernet, VLAN, routing, TCP/IP, HTTP, overlay (VXLAN), tunneling (IPsec, SSL), ...