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Annette Bouillin

Documentation Project Lead

a.bouillin@gmail.com 0660052470
722 Chemin de la Pollardière38690 BévenaisFrance
CV réalisé sur DoYouBuzz

Documentation Project Lead

Assystem (contractor for Fresenius Kabi)
Depuis janvier 2014
  • Evaluation of the situation, identification of the stakeholders and dependencies.
  • Analysis, proposal and setup of new tools, new processes, and indicators.
  • Setup of the documentation project for a new product range of electromedical equipment: optimize documentation for co-authoring, content reuse, easy updates, and localization in 25+ languages.
  • Design and management of the planning of deliverables and management of translations with the localization provider. Workload estimation.
  • Management of a small team of technical writers: task management and support for team members.
  • Coordination with the projet stakeholders: integration of requirements, timely communication of needs and deliverables.
  • Co-writing the specifications of the accompanying documents
  • Reporting of the activity: communication of progress and escalation of blocking issues.
  • Setup and update of stylesheets for DITA-based documentation
  • Training and support for team members new to DITA standard.

Senior technical writer

Septembre 2006 à décembre 2013
  • Documentation lead for Documentum search and content analytics products developed content (guides, help systems, and release notes, in English only) in an Agile environment.
  • Helped to improve documentation quality and consistency in the Documentum business unit by participating in terminology and style committees.
  • Improved information access for customers by refactoring legacy documents using minimalism and structured content principles.
  • Helped to improve product usability by participating in usability tests exploratory testing and reviews of design, functional, and user interface specifications.
  • Wrote API documentation for multiple audiences, edited Javadoc comments and ran JDiff comparisons.
  • Improved the engineering team efficiency by providing them with an internal online library (Eclipse Information Center).
  • Supported the engineering team by reviewing articles, white papers and training material. Example of a white paper: https://community.emc.com/blogs/ dmsearch/2013/02/11/clustering-search-results-in-documentum-applications.
  • Improved customer experience by monitoring the Search & Analytics forum moderator: https://community.emc.com/community/support/documentum/ search_and_analytics

Technical writer, translator, localization manager

Vision Numeric SA
Décembre 2000 à août 2006
  • Wrote (English, French) and translated (Spanish) the documentation: software help systems and user manuals working closely with the development team.
  • Publishing management of the printed materials (internally or with external providers)
  • Defined the format in alignment with the corporate and product image.
  • Selection of the external providers.
  • Helped increase sales and reduce customer support by delivering localized applications.
  • Managed the resource localization for applications developed in C++, in Java and in Html and help systems (CHM and JavaHelp formats)
  • Managed the localization process for translations performed by resellers or external translators for Asian, Middle Eastern, and Slavic languages.
  • Tested the localized applications.
  • Translation: specifications, contracts (end-user license agreement, partnership agreement)
  • Supported the commercial and marketing team by proofreading their documentation.

DESS - "Langues et Affaires" (Languages and Business)

Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III)

Janvier 1995 à janvier 2020

Maîtrise en Langues Etrangères Appliquées

Universidad de Salamanca

1998 à 1999
Diplôme obtenu à l'Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) dans le cadre du programme d'échanges Erasmus.

Licence en Langues Etrangères Appliquées

University of Central Lancashire

1997 à 1998
Diplôme obtenu à l'Université Jean Moulin (Lyon III) dans le cadre du programme d'échanges Erasmus.

Rédaction technique

  • DITA Darwin Information Typing Architecture
  • Rédaction structurée et par rubriques ("topic-based"): XML, DocBook, DITA
  • Réalisation de feuilles de style (XSL-FO)
  • "Minimalism": rédaction orientée "utilisateur", concise et précise.
  • Rédaction pour la traduction

Monde de l'entreprise

  • Méthodologies Agile
  • Communication : méthode ProcessCom(r)
  • Gestion de projet : planification et évaluation de la charge de travail

Environnement de travail

  • Outils de gestion des sources : SVN, Perforce, Documentum
  • Outils de collaboration : Wiki, Confluence, Documentum CenterStage
  • Outils graphiques : Adobe PhotoShop, Adode Illustrator
CV créé sur DoYouBuzz
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